My prayer is that all of you who read this had a blessed Easter season and were reminded of God's gift to us. We can be expected in Heaven if we embrace the truth of the death and resurrection of Christ for ourselves and for the forgiveness of our sins!
It's been awhile since I last blogged - my life stays active! I always feel that is a huge blessing and know that so many family members and friends do so much to make my life full. Yet of course there are many things that come my way and hit me like an unexpected wave to make the tears flow. It never ceases to amaze me how easy that can happen. I can be feeling like nothing will make me sad again (foolish thought I know) when suddenly something happens to break the dam. I like it when I'm alone when that happens since it gives a lot more freedom to cut loose the tears. After that happens it is wonderful how lifted up and relieved I can feel, so I know to cry is good. I know also that going into my seventh month already it is starting to feel like I have come to a peak of a mountain and going down the other side very cautiously.
One reason I feel a summit of sorts was reached was because one night I had a dream that seemed to break a very big dam. It was about a little girl who had to leave home and she of course was very afraid because she did not know how to care for herself. I woke up from her weeping and weeping and realized it was me who felt all alone! I cried the hardest I ever cried and was very glad no one was in my house or nearby since I was rather loud and needed to be! I felt like I would never stop and there was no one who could help me! I felt so alone and helpless!! It was 2 a.m. and I was so wide awake I was sure I would not sleep again that night or stop crying. Then my head reminded me I was never alone really God had been there for the last 16 months and He had not gone away. My heart did not feel that at the moment but my head kept telling me it is true and started reminding me of the truth of God's Word that says, "The Lord is your Shepherd you shall not be in want! Cast all your care on Him for He cares for you! Nothing can separate you from the Love of God!" Several more verses came to my mind and slowly the tears stopped and rather miraculously I slept again very soundly till about 7 a.m. I had never before had a night like that, as I had experienced such peace at night, nor have I had one since. That night seemed to render healing that I can't exactly explain and it also made me realize in a big way no one can help you with anything in life or death the way God can. He is there for us but we do have to use the sources He provides to find Him. The main one being His Word the Bible. It is very powerful and one is never the same if we claim it's truth for ourselves.
Another reminder God gave me happened the next morning was this from a devotional I read:
"Do not worry about tomorrow. Your mind is in a fallen condition, it will sometimes wander across the timeline into tomorrow's trouble. God's presence lovingly awaits your attention. He's always near, so turning your thoughts to Him is an excellent option at all times. Come into His joyous Presence, He will delight you with unmerited Love."
The next day I was still feeling a little shaky and one of my devotions was entitled "Brokenness". I thought, "Ugh! I don't even want to read this one!" I very carefully started reading and planned on skimming it so it wouldn't be to hard to take because to tell the truth I had had quite enough of being broken! Anyway this is what it said:
"Nothing is wasted when it is shared with God. He can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams; He can glean joy out of sorrow, peace out of adversity. This divine alchemy will become a reality in your experience as you learn how to share more and more of your life with God. You believe God is capable of creating wholeness out of your brokenness and struggles. So God urges you to bring all these things to Him for transformation, trusting in His healing Presence.
God takes great delight in transforming His precious children. Give Him your broken dreams! Release them into His care and keeping. He will not only heal the brokenness, He will give you (me) a new dream - one that is in harmony with His plans for you (me)............"
Wow! I felt God's presence so close to me and I was so glad I suffered through reading what I was afraid to and finding hidden treasure. God wants us to believe and know that there is a ton of hidden treasure on this earth (if we pay close attention) as well as what awaits us in heaven! Be encouraged in your discouragement or trials because He is working something out that may surprise you!
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26
As a very Godly man once said, "Always keep one foot on earth and one foot in heaven!"
God is very near there is just a veil that separates us really!