Contentment - "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4:11
"In the world of the Greek Stoic philosopher, the world Paul traveled in, the term "content" was used to describe independence, self-sufficiency, and the ability to go it alone. The idea was that the truly wise person was the one who had come to the place in his or her life where they were independent of all things and all people. They needed nothing and no one. When you arrived at the place where you depended on no one but yourself, then to the Greek Stoic philosopher, you had arrived.
On the other hand in Paul's vocabulary, written in a letter to the Philippians, being content means simply "having enough," whether his personal economics were bullish or bearish. His contentment did not come from himself or his circumstances; it came, he says, from God's strengthening."
This morning I was thinking how content I felt in my life right now and was so very thankful how God is caring for me since losing Tom 1 1/2 year ago already. It still hits to me at times that I miss him so much and wish he was back in my life but in the same breath of thought I realize I love his brother! It is a very strange phenomenon how both things can be a part of my life. God keeps reminding me that I can be content in the places He has called me to walk. So this morning again as I picked up one of my devotionals written by David Walls I enjoyed reading about the very subject I was pondering. Those verses go on to discuss the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (I might add in sorrow and joy.) Paul states he can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Jesus is the one who gives us strength to carry on in life no matter what we have to face. Life is full of tough things but in between there are flowers blooming that we may not want to miss. I don't want to miss these years of love I get to receive as well as give while health and sound minds are still with John and I. We have had a wonderful time enjoying these first months of marriage and growing in understanding each other better.
We are very blessed to have so much family close, children, grandchildren, and now two great grandchildren. John and I realize we need to give each day to the Lord and ask Him to guide our steps to where He would lead us. Sometimes we seem to have choices but the older I become I realize each day seems to play out in many ways I did not expect or have control over. That can be very frustrating or we can try to look at what God may be wanting to teach us to be content in. It's a much happier way to live that's for sure!
The fun news is John has a sweet great grand daughter with a middle name after his wife and I have a new great grandson named after my sweet Tom. They are both adorable and bring us great joy! Babies grow so very quickly. There is nothing quite like holding them and we make sure we find excuses to do that! :)
It can be difficult to be content when life goes all wrong and still many of our friends battle cancer and have lost loved ones. My daughter's mother in law, Betty, is submitting to major surgery a second time after a fall suffered in Holland. It is very difficult to feel contentment in the middle of pain and fear of how you will feel after a second surgery when the first one did not seem to do the job! We pray for this precious woman of God who is a sister in the Lord with us, as well as part of my daughter's family.
We continue to wait in expectancy for that place where all our tears and fears will be wiped away! May the truth of Jesus death and resurrection touch you in a new way this Easter!