It was time to face another special day - October 26 was supposed to be John and my 3rd anniversary. John had made plans for this celebration, too, about 7 months ago. He was a planner and whenever he was able to get a good deal with his time-shares he would say to me, "How about we go to Palm Desert for our 3rd Anniversary? October came and I knew I had another trip to decide if I was to go. A dear friend, Jeri, agreed to go, so away we went down to Palm Desert! It just happened to be her birthday near my Anniversary and she had lost her husband a few months before my John passed away. We decided to celebrate the way our husbands would have if they had been with us, dinner at Ruth's Chris. Yes, we dressed up pretty and tried not to make our waitress cry when we told her what we were celebrating. Jeri and I enjoyed sharing memories together and of course shed some tears but needless to say it was a great restful week for both of us. We were both glad to have some blessed and happy times around the sad reminder of loss! We did make time to watch a few awesome movies, which if you haven't seen them, we highly recommend! "October Baby" and "Miracles from Heaven" great stories and wonderful acting! Warning they do make you cry!
Another thing we did was attended a favorite church John had taken me to the two times we had been down there before called Southwest Church. We were both glad we went as it was so inspiring! We felt it applied very well to living the life of a widow and staying strong with God. It can apply to any situation in life that is tough to live with. Here are the key points - in fact I love reading them again for myself!! I feel bad as I can't find the pastor's name on the bulletin!
From: Philippians 1:12-30
Key Questions:
1. Am I living with God's perspective?
When I face problems joyfully.....(not always easy)
It advances the gospel! It encourages other believers. It teaches me what's important.
Lesson: God has a purpose behind everyone of my problems!
2. Am I living on God's power?
3. Am I living for God's purpose?
Lesson: If I have power and purpose I have passion!
Essential Steps:
1. Stand firm! How? Don't give up!
2. Stick together! How? Don't go it alone!
3. Stay confident! How? Don't be afraid!
The most important message I received that day is whose voice am I listening to and believing? God or my world? Do I believe God's Word is true and completely reliable? YES! Paul the apostle wrote this letter to the Philippian believers when he was in very hard conditions. He was in prison for his faith.
I don't know about you but these thoughts really encouraged me!
Today back at my own church our youth pastor Tim did an awesome job of pointing out these same important truths in our lives. We need to believe that the Bible is the true inspired Word of God and can make us wise for salvation through Jesus. It is the only way we can face the difficult issues of our day. We can't save ourselves by good deeds, or work, only Jesus saves through His death and resurrection!
By this truth we can BELIEVE and BE SURE we are EXPECTED IN HEAVEN!!