Oh my goodness it is June already! Truth is the end of June! This must mean life is good as time is flying by so quickly! John and I have settled into life like couples who are very used to married life even though we are newly weds of 8 months. I suppose it is because between us we have 100 years of marriage under our belts. A statement John likes to make. (smile) In our previous marriages with our spouses this time of year marked celebrating together as couples since it was our anniversaries. John and Marlys' was June 17, Tom and mine was July 3. We especially made a point of doing something special together (the four of us) every five years. This involved a really nice restaurant dinner out and a fun time visiting and reminiscing together. This year would have marked our 50th and 55th anniversaries. Needless to say we shed a few tears thinking of this fact. At the same time we rejoice in our marriage now to each other (which by the way can still blow our minds)! It amazes us this thing God worked out in our lives and we continue to feel very blessed!
We have settled into my home rather well. John says he feels very at home here. Hurrah!! I could not stand moving to town although town is inching it's way out to us. We have an awesome view of the mountains with grape vines and corn fields around us and nice size yard for very large family gatherings. My nephews once called it an oasis in the middle of farmland! We are blessed!
A few weeks ago we were at a church service that had a visiting pastor and his wife who happened to have experienced the same thing we did. Both their spouses had passed away and they met and realized they wanted to marry again. The woman was a lot like me in that she said she had not intended to marry again and somehow it just happened! We immediately hit it off with sharing feelings that were in common. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that though you marry again and are very happy you never forget your former spouse or the grief you had in losing them. My new friend expressed it this way - she has been married 20 + years to her 2nd husband but she said you never forget the pain of the loss of your first husband or wife. She said she dearly loved her 2nd husband but for both of them you never forget that first experience either. Somehow that was comforting to me and gave me one more understanding of how grief affects people.
We can certainly all question what comes our way and why, but most of the time there are no answers except the fact that we must have faith that God knows what He is doing. With the studies I have been working on lately in the Word of God I keep being pointed to the fact that life is about pleasing God and going His way and everything else dims by comparison. I know too, that God cares deeply for us and loves us and wants to strengthen us. A verse I read today said,
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9
We are prone to forget, as one person stated, that God is often more ready to help than we are to ask.
As we live here on this earth for the days God has numbered for you and me may we remember each day we are here for a purpose. That is to help others be encouraged by the encouragement we have been given. I have been encouraged to love God more in grief because I realize how fragile life is and how my true destiny is a home in heaven. I'm filled with joy by the fact that God expects me in HEAVEN and now he wants me to live for Him.
very nice story!