Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Full Year

October 1, 2014

It has been a very full year for John and I.  We have enjoyed being newly weds, getting to know each other better.  This month we will celebrate our first anniversary on the 26th.  We have a busy life for newly weds since we have this very large family between the two of us.  It is a learning curve to know how to take enough time for each family as well as spend enough time with each other.  On top of this our families keep growing!

We now have 4 new great grandchildren and 1 new granddaughter between the two of us.  John's grandson and wife were blessed with a daughter last December.   His granddaughter and husband were blessed with a daughter also a few months ago.  My granddaughter and her husband birthed a little boy 6 months ago. My grandson and his wife were  blessed with a baby boy about a week ago.  My son and his wife had a baby girl three weeks ago.  And finally in December another baby boy is expected to John's grandson and wife.  If you look closely at what I just wrote that makes three boys and three girls in a year.  These babies have been or will be born from December to December.

Yes, this is a huge blessing in one way but in another there is huge responsibility and concern for all as they grow.  As I look at life around me there is always pain, but God allows joy in-between.  Although these babies bring us joy, I do know there are lots of women out there who wonder why it looks so easy for some women to have babies and they either don't get pregnant or have miscarriages when they do get pregnant.  There can be so many "whys" in our world to the hurt we see or personally feel around us.  My first husband died of an incurable cancer and every day people are dying of various diseases at every age both young and old.  My prayer list is very extensive of people with all kinds of needs.  How do we handle this?  Well I was reading Oswald Chambers book "Utmost for His Highest" the other day and he gave a thought I really enjoyed.
"Everything may become blurred in life (the whys) but our relationship with Jesus Christ must never be blurred."
Another thought I liked was from the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis (the first book of the Bible).  Joseph ends up in slavery (sold by his own brothers), then in prison because he wouldn't sleep with his masters wife, then forgotten by people he helped.  God had a plan but it took a LONG time for Joseph to get to see what that was.
The main "why" the Bible gives us is sin.  Everything bad is because of sin.  I know it sounds simple but it is truth.  Then you might ask is it my sin?  Afraid so,  according to Romans 3:23 in the New Testament and Psalm 14:1-3 in the Old Testament of the Bible.  We are not capable of doing good, everyone of us sin.  But there is hope.........
Thanks be to God he gives us Jesus!!  He died for us and now lives to help all who will believe turn to Him.  And the best part is He is coming again to create a perfect world, without sin!
You may ask, "Well why do some people seem to have all the trouble?"  Good question but God doesn't tell us His plans and I know as we have trouble and turn to God we receive His peace.  I can personally testify to that.  It's never easy to have trouble but Jesus promises He will be with us and He has overcome trouble.
I will ask a lot of questions one day or maybe I won't need to - I'll just know!

One thing I do know I have expectation of Heaven - I hope you do too!

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