I just read a news story about a woman who takes pictures of couples with their babies who were stillborn. It was an extremely touching article about how much it helped couples to cope with loss when they had pictures to look back at. I noticed one couple stated how hard that loss still was after two years. I truly know the feeling of sadness when you lose someone very close to you. Two years after losing my husband of 48 years it still hurt so bad and I could cry easily at any time of day, but now I can say after three years it finally feels easier. Maybe it's because I was able to marry again, but I do believe time as well as God's help does heal the sadness. I had to go to God regularly even though I didn't feel like it. Perseverance is something I believe in. God is worth sticking close to and always claiming His truth, never give up.
John and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this past week and had a lovely time in Palm Desert. We were able to attend a church in that area and we were blessed with a message on the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:5-13. Today reading that article about the death of a newborn made me think again of the sermon we heard. You see it talked about the couple having a hard time understanding why God would do such a thing. There are so many "Whys" in life where we can ask - "What is that for, why God, do you allow that!!" In the Sunday sermon we learned it is important to pray for everything as Philippians 4:6 tells us to do. But what if we see prayer in the wrong way? Maybe the disciples felt they wanted better understanding as well, so they ask Jesus to teach them to pray in the right way.
I enjoyed some very helpful thoughts which I don't think I'll ever forget when it comes to prayer and knowing God better. First I do know we can't always have everything we want just because we think it might be good. God knows what the big picture is when we don't.
Matthew 5:9-13 "The Lord's Prayer"
Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.
5 things Jesus wants us to remember about prayer.
1. Remember you are praying to a Holy Father.
2. Remember it is about His kingdom not yours.
3. Remember He is the provider of all.
4. Remember His forgiveness requires us to pay it forward. (Forgive others)
5. Remember He is our guidance.
I also loved the thought of why do we pray? We get to pray to a Holy God who is our Father! Thinking about that alone is so amazing and intimate.
Finally how long do I pray? As long as it takes for me to say "your will not mine be done".
I pray these thoughts help you never give up and expect God to always be near!
thanks and good luck! ππ