Friday, December 7, 2012

Holidays, Memories and Pressing On

Can it be 10 weeks already?  Yes today marks that amount of earthly days since my sweet man made his way to his heavenly home with God's help.  It has been quite the road to walk on and no one can prepare you really, although many try, only God can take your hand and walk it with you.

Many ask or say the holiday season has to be difficult, right?  I'm sure many of my friends and relatives are wondering how I'm doing with them.  Well, I wrote last just before Thanksgiving at which time I wondered myself how that would go for me.  It was always such a special day for Tom and I.  Actually a whole special weekend as we always seem to have get togethers the whole time.  For instance this year we did our usual girl coffee time at Starbucks on Friday morning and another family dinner Friday night followed by a hay ride with a bon fire and dinner in the creek bed on Rochelle's ranch on Saturday evening.  The weekend ended with church and Sunday afternoon lunch together at Randall's house.  Tricia and Steve came up and spent some extra time overnight with me so I was surrounded with family and activities all week.  The answer to my above question of, is holidays hard for you, I have to say no just because there is so much joy and sharing time together.  Every day though, does have some tears just because the loss is always there so holiday or no I still have to work through the grief.

Now it's getting ready for the Christmas season and I praise God for helping me enjoy many things that remind me of what an amazing God we have that He came to this world to give us hope and salvation!  I have enjoyed decorating and already had a Christmas party at my house with the Care Pregnancy Center volunteers and board and staff.  The 18 of us had a wonderful time of food and fellowship as well as a time of sharing encouragement in the ministry.  I was also able to attend a presentation of the Messiah and got shivers from the Hallelujah chorus and one of my favorite solos - I Know that my Redeemer Lives.  The songs are all from the Bible so it blesses our hearts as we listen.  On the next two nights I was able to attend wonderful Christmas programs my grandchildren were in.  It doesn't get any better than that!  I have a few more parties to come as our family has three birthdays to celebrate in December and our family Christmas celebration which we have on the 21st so everyone can do their own thing and be with in-laws on Christmas.  There is also another Christmas program to attend and a friends party to enjoy.

As you can see I am not one to sit at home.  I'm thankful God gives me the strength to face each day tears and all.  I can get up in the morning and still love to jog a few mornings a week and I also sleep very well.  I'm so thankful for these simple things as life is so different not having Tom around.  It occurred to me today it is a little like when we moved into this house 23 years ago, I wondered why it felt so cold as it was very lovely.  Then I realized we had no memories here and once we lived life here I soon forgot about my old home.  I don't think I'll ever forget my life with Tom but I do realize it takes time to make new memories as my mind is often flooded with thoughts of what we did together.

One thing we did a lot of over the years was travel.  Tom's business took us up north to Redding this time of year.  I spent many years shopping at the malls up north in Chico, Anderson, and Redding while my honey was buying cattle.  I learned to wrap gifts, make out Christmas cards, do my Bible Study lessons, and wherever while we were on the road.  Many weeks we were gone from Thursday to Saturday. I always liked to tell Tom he was blessed for marrying a woman who was half gypsy as I always enjoyed going wherever he wanted to go.  I could always figure out what to do while he worked.  Our evenings were than spent finding good restaurants and early morning running paths or some hiking places.  In Redding there is a beautiful path along the Sacramento River.  We loved doing that on Saturday morning before we left for home.  We had some favorite eating places all along the road home.  I find myself thinking about all these things we did so often.

Our first dates were at Christmas time also.  We ended up going out 5 times in 7 days because there were ball games and I was a cheerleader, programs to attend and church.  After those 5 days I knew I was in love, but I wasn't quite sure about Tom.  I happened to have gone out with another young man just before this time who wanted to ask me out again.  I did not want to go and kept making excuses so he asked if he could pick me up from school and I gave in and said yes!  BIG MISTAKE!  Tom's friend saw me and reported the incident.  I was able to turn down the other young man who I felt bad about hurting but I knew Tom was special.  I was able to tell another of Tom's friends the truth of the situation so Tom would not throw in the towel on me.  I heard he was VERY angry when he heard about the other boy.  Yikes!  God was good and let us get back together.  Soon after this Tom's sweet friend that helped us repair our relationship warned me not to get too hooked on Tom as he loves them and leaves them quite often!  WHAT!  To late for that!  Well believe it or not Tom after a few more weeks asked me if I wanted to meet his parents!  Well now I thought I don't think he is going to leave me too soon as I did not think he had done that with anyone else.  Not long after I met his parents - later I heard they were pretty nervous about me as I was rather young and I have to admit a little ditsy.  It wasn't long after that he asked me to go steady (a thing we did in the 60's).  That was big as I knew for sure he had not asked another girl to go steady.  To him that was like engagement.  :)

As you now know we made it through those dating times and went on to many happy years of marriage.  We have been so blessed!

Let me leave you with two great verses that are underlined in my sweet husband's Bible so I know they were special to him:
Philippians 1:6  being confident of this that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

I'm pressing on my dear one.............

Sunday, November 18, 2012


God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.  There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.....Psalm 46:1-4  In the Bible are so many verses with hope and assurance that help me walk through every day and go peacefully to sleep at night.

There are plenty of tears that happen when I least expect.  Like this week I was feeling rather strong one day and thought I had a handle on this grief stuff.  Well my strength did not continue and I realized that MY strength won't get me far it has to be GOD'S strength and that is so much better.  There is a verse in the Bible that tells me "For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10  Paul a missionary for Jesus Christ tells how we are not always given 'easy' in this life so that Jesus' strength can shine more powerfully in our weakness.  This is not my favorite way to live life as I would rather be strong on my own.

This morning in church we were told we were having a service of lament!  Thankfully my daughter warned me as she went to the first service and I went to second.  I was also thankful to have my son and his family surrounding me.  It was a very good service, but my tears flowed freely!  No stopping them sometime.  The wonderful thing is to be reminded of the hope we have in our weakness.  Again Paul speaks to us in 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."  Also verse 17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an ETERNAL GLORY that far outweighs them all."  It was a wonderful service in the end of it all and one we need to experience more than once.

My family and I are getting ready for our tradition "marathon" Thanksgiving Day.  This has developed over the years and become a pretty special event for us.  Years ago when my children were small we would pack up the kids and go to my parents home in southern CA.  We always spent Thanksgiving with them as it was my mother's birthday as well.  This year her birthday would have been the day of Thanksgiving.  She gets to celebrate with my dear Tom this year.  Anyway my parents loved to have big turkey dinners and afterward go bowling.  My kids loved it so much that it became part of the holiday that stuck.  We also decided when our kids married to ask them to keep that day for our family and any other holiday could be with the in-laws.  Now we start our day with a run/walk in the morning that benefits the local emergency aid council.  Then after changing we end up at my house for plenty of turkey and beef (sweet Tom always needed some beef) with lots of other foods.  We have to have praise and worship time of singing songs and some Bible read and prayer.  Everyone comes prepared to share what they are thankful for, which usually ends with some need for tissues.  Finally we are off to bowl and at the end of that we need to come back to my house for pie and don't forget the turkey and beef buns as well as a wonderful mixture of other foods!

Tom and I often thought the day reminded us of a little bit of heaven - feasting, enjoying each others company, playing, singing, sharing true feelings and feeling so loved.  May all of you have a touch of heaven as you share together this holiday.  There are no guarantees of who will be there but there are guarantees of heaven!  We all hope you expect to be there one day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Some History and More

November 6, election day!  My dear Tom really appreciated being able to vote.  He was born in Holland during World War II and grew up knowing that freedom was a wonderful gift of God.  His father longed to move his family to America to give a better future to his children and he felt the US had a better democracy.  In 1948 they were able to come as well as become citizens.  His parents learned a new language at 45 and 50 years of age and started over in business.  Through the years I thought that pretty amazing as trying to learn a new language at that age would be so hard!  But they were determined so one day they could speak to the people their children would marry.  Bottom line Tom grew up knowing he had to care about the things that went on in our country and be a part by casting ones vote.  Yes indeed I voted!

The days in the last few weeks have gone by quite well and God continues to meet me where I need.  I still have my share of tears, but find I also have good times.  One of the good times was going with my daughter and granddaughter on a short trip.  We took in California Adventure (we are Disney fans) and also a cattle women conference (big difference from Disney).  Both were great for just having fun as well as learning some amazing farming things that happen in California.  It was my first trip in forever without Tom.  I was a little worried how I would handle it, but much to my surprise and joy, I had a great time.

When we were gone I read this devotion in "Jesus Calling":
Walk peacefully with Me (Jesus) through this day.  You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you.  You must traverse this day like any other: one step at a time.  Instead of mentally rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My Presence and on taking the next step.  The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me.  This is a training opportunity, since I designed you for deep dependence on your shepherd-King.  Challenging times wake you up and amplify your awareness of needing My help.
When you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way before you.  Trust that I know what I'm doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with Peace.

Bible verses that go with these thoughts:
Exodus 33:14  The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Hebrews 13:20-21  May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.  Amen
Psalm 29:11  The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.

Reading things like this always helps to lift me up and remind me who is with me when I feel so weak.  Daily life can feel somewhat daunting when I think I walk alone, even when there are fun things to do. The fun things (along with difficult) before were always shared with my best friend, my husband, and sweet companion.

We first met when I was a sophomore in high school and he was just graduated.  He had gone to a small fair in the fall with a friend who was a junior in our high school.  Myself and some of my friends were sitting on an empty booth at the fair and flirted with his friend saying we were selling kisses for a dollar.  His friend was a very handsome young man, but rather shy, so he just smiled and talked a bit before hi-tailing it out of there.  We had to be a little intimidating.  There were at least 15 or 20 of us girls.  Tom was standing very quietly in the background observing all of us being quite silly.  Later he asked his friend if he knew who I was and could he meet me.  It took my bashful boy 1 1/2 years to finally ask me on a date.  We always said that was good since I was rather young.  I always marveled at the fact I was the one he choose in all my friends.  That usually did not happen to me!!  He said it was love at first sight!!  That also amazed me, as he told me he could tell I was sweet, when he watched all the girls.  I was thinking flirty maybe, but I was thankful he saw that as sweet!  We had a few rocky places in the first few weeks of dating, but after that we knew we had met THE ONE.  Our parents worried we were too young when we asked to marry right out of high school (for me).  July 3 was our wedding day and I did not turn 18 till September 21.  Our parents did not have to worry since God was  very good and taught us through the years how to love each other in wonderful ways.  We seemed to go together so well and have many things in common.  Neither one of us enjoyed quarreling,  therefore did little of it.  This year we celebrated 48 years of marriage!  Now I am so very thankful for the years.  I never regretted marrying young or feeling like I missed out on things in life.  My husband, Tom, encouraged me to do the things he thought I was gifted in and together we enjoyed raising 4 children, watching them marry, and gifting us with 15 grandchildren.  We even we able to see 2 of our grandchildren marry!  The story is long and there is much more to it so I will share more later.........

One of the books I'm reading had a wonderful quote from Jan Karon: "People may doubt what you say, but they believe what you do."  I couldn't help but think that is who my Tom was.  He was a quiet man, but his actions spoke so loudly, and when he spoke people listened.  He lived what he believed and set wonderful examples for his children and grandchildren and the people he did business with.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Heaven next stop

It has been a busy time for me with visits from grandkids and family members.  This helps the days go by and there is some joy with the sadness.  The sadness always surprises me since it comes up when I don't expect and it can make me weep easily.  That is good I'm sure, so I'll handle what I must.  One thing that has brought a lot of comfort is reading.  I'm enjoying some books on heaven as well as a book about what widows coop with.  I try to drink in whatever will help me have more understanding to my situation.  I'm also enjoying a study by Beth Moore on the life of David.  It has been amazing how comforting this study is since it has some good points about how David cries out to God in his distress.  I could relate easily to that feeling.  I have also found that when a dark cloud seems to loom over me, crying out gets rid of the cloud, and I feel so much better.  These are a few of my struggles in these first weeks since the death of my husband.  Death of my sweet husband - still so hard for me to believe!  Even though I was there by his bedside and watched it happen - still so hard to think he will never come back home or back to me on this earth.  I went out to eat tonight with a dear niece and we went to a place Tom and I went often.  It was okay, but again seems strange to be without my dear man.

Yet there is comfort, I have to say.  I think about heaven a lot lately.  I've read some good books on the subject.  All of which I check with the main source of information on heaven, the Bible.  Probably the biggest question everyone has is how can we be sure we will get to heaven.  The best verse in the Bible for that is:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever BELIEVES on Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Asking Jesus into our hearts to help us live the way He wants us to.  That is all we need and reading His Word to know and understand who He is.  I mean His whole Word.  Tom and I read and studied all our lives and it is so full of treasure and new things to learn.  We both knew we had not arrived but the simple truth is that God loves us, gave Himself for us through Jesus, and we just need to believe and go to Him.  Jesus often said, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near."(Matthew 4:17)  Repent what does that mean?  I believe we have to realize we need to be saved from something.  Many places throughout the Bible it says no one is righteous or good.  We are all sinners or have done wrong.  In God's eyes we can't point at others we are all in the same boat lost without someone paying the price.  JESUS pays the price and we are only asked to believe it!

My dear Tom was coming close to his last days and he had a dream about heaven.  He said he saw his brother - in - law, Cornie, who had died 6 years ago.  He knew he was watching him in heaven through what seemed to be a window.  He was waving at Tom and laughing.  There were other people around as well, but Tom said he did not recognize them.  Cornie was very clear and he knew him.  Tom awoke and lay awake for awhile thinking, "I feel better like I can do the things I used to, especially like  driving!"  Finally falling asleep again, he awoke the next morning and told me he had a dream.  With tears in his eyes he could hardly get his story out.  His body felt sick again in the morning so he knew he was not healed for now.  A few weeks later I asked him, "Do you have any fears about dying like your father had years ago when death was near?"  Tom said, "No I have such peace about it ever since my dream."  That was when I realized how real it had been for him.  It gave me comfort then and still does.

He was expected in heaven and I hope you are too!  Personally I can't wait because I believe heaven is for real!  Now too I know someone very special is expecting me!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Expected In Heaven

First of all you may be wondering about our name - "Expected in Heaven".  This started a few months back when my husband, who was diagnosed with acute leukemia, was not expected to survive.  We as a family have always believed that the Bible is the true word of God and we believe in Jesus as our Savior.  My husband, Tom, was a wonderful example of God's love for us in the way he loved me (his wife), as well as his family.  He lived his faith in his business dealings and how he was generous in many areas of life.  We lost this dear man September 28, 2012, a short 3 weeks ago.  During the 10 months of his illness we had many family gatherings with our 4 kids and their children as well as foster children and their kids.  This tribe totals 37 but we were not always together at one time.  We did often have at least 25 to 30 of us.  All of our gatherings included food, fellowship, and fun.  We always began our food time with time around God's Word and some singing of praise songs.  One of those times Grandma (me - Vera) said to the grandkids (which was part of a devotion), "If grandpa and I go home to the Lord first we 'expect' you in heaven."  I wasn't sure anything had registered until one of our granddaughters came over with writing she had special printed on her hat that said, "Expected in Heaven".  Needless to say both my husband, Tom, and I burst into tears.  A week or so later (September 21 to be exact) was my birthday and we had another surprise as the kids came up with
 t-shirts for everyone which said Expected in Heaven on the front and RU on the back with 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.  My husband and I were very touched again, and, as many times in the last 10 months, shed some tears.

Today I found in a book, I was given as encouragement,  a new saying I loved and decided it is going to be mine as well as the woman's who wrote the book.  It said, "Till death do us join".  This thought reminds me so beautifully I know I will see him again and he is not dead but alive.  We were married 48 years ago and in those days at weddings we always said, "Till death do us part".  Since my husband's death the main thing that has kept me going is my faith in my Lord and Savior.  The tears don't stop that easily, but God is taking such good care of me.  Many of the things I was worried about when my dear husband was sick have not been a problem.  God's Word tells us not to worry but humanly it is very tempting to fall into the trap of worry.

 Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

I love those verses and when tempted to worry remember who holds me and takes care of my life and those I love.  This new journey of mine is far from easy, but I am positive God has a reason He wants me to walk here.  I am so thankful for all the years I had to love my husband and all the things we were able to do as a couple.  Now God is calling me to walk a different walk and I know I can't do it without His help daily.  I therefore never try to run ahead, to do my days work without taking time in His Word the Bible.  This morning, as so often in the last 10 months when my husband and I studied together, God gave me some great thoughts.

One was from Psalm 18:16-19
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
He drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.
They confronted me in the day of my disaster,
but the Lord was my support.
He brought me out into a spacious place;
He rescued me because He delighted in me.

There are so many new things for me to learn in order to handle this life I have been called to live but as much as I'd like to speed things up I know I can't.  Mourning is not my nature.  I love to have fun and this is not at all fun!  I have to work hard at resting in God and trusting Him to bring me through this very painful process.  Thank you to all who log on and feel moved to pray as I am not at all ashamed to say I love people to pray for me!  The prayers for my husband gave him some miraculous life since he was given 10 months instead of a few weeks of time.  He stayed sharp of mind to the very last day of his life and went home to the Lord quickly without much pain.

Now we are sure the rest of us are "Expected in Heaven"some day soon!