Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Mist and How to Live

Here I sit drawing a bit of a blank - Yet I feel the need to write to friends and family who may read my blog to know how life is going for me.  Well God has again been so good to me and given me a wonderful summer.  Maybe in some ways too good.  Now I have to face everyday life and not have hikes to climb, lakes to float on, or road trips to drive, as well as have a blast with family and friends!  Coming home each night to an empty house has it's challenges, but God always reminds me He is close by to talk to and talk I do!  I'm very social so quiet is okay at times, but for me having no one to express opinions to after an interesting day is a bit of a let down.  This sounds very depressing and I do not come from a family who feels sorry for themselves (not for long anyway)!  My mother was the most positive person I knew and many times I am so thankful for that as it helps me look for the positive in every situation.  So here is some positive!

There are still many friends I get to do things with - love my neighbor lady friends who do bible study with me.  We started up again after a summer break.  There are several young women I get to counsel in parenting skills and another bible study class to do at Care Pregnancy Center where I am able to volunteer a few times a week.  On top of all my activities and friends I have a huge family close by.  My life is so very full and rich, truly.  Yet I know there are other men and women out there alone and not always enjoying it, because like me they terribly miss that special spouse who now is home with the Lord.

A devotion I read the other day reminded me of something to keep in mind which says:  "What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."  James 4:14  I especially liked how Joel Plantinga, who wrote the devotion said, " We are regularly reminded by God's Word that time is fleeting and the day of the Lord is approaching.  Don't be paralyzed by fear!  We live in a moment of incredible opportunity to share the gospel with our world.  Live out of an urgency that comes from understanding that opportunity."

Yes indeed it can be easy to fear the future or complain about it to God, but God wants me to relax in the moment.  Jesus died for me and rose again and ascended into heaven and has gone to prepare a place for me and all who want to believe!  All we have to do is confess our sin and receive His gift and follow Him!  I'm expected in the place Jesus is preparing for me and others who want Him in their life!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

Lord help me and everyone dealing with sadness to make the best use of our time today and the good things you give for your glory! Amen