Friday, February 15, 2013


Here we are in the month of love.....  Do you wonder how it might make those of us who have lost the most loved person in our life feel?  Well I will try to explain where I am after 5 months.  I feel so glad for those who have special relationships and are enjoying them to the full.  Nothing is more wonderful than a marriage that works the way God intended it to work.  If I see couples in my family or  out in public snuggle or hold hands I am so glad they are enjoying each other while they have time to do that.  God blessed Tom and I with an awesome relationship.  We were so different yet we were one.  We often would make a comment and the other would say I was thinking the same thing!  We knew how the other would feel in any given situation and we both tried to do what the other liked even it wasn't our favorite thing to do.  For example I tried hard to like sports (especially football) when my honey liked to watch the games on TV.  He would take me to the movies from time to time just because he knew I liked to go even though that wasn't his favorite thing.  We learned agape love over the years not 50/50 but give the other person 100% of yourself and don't always worry about what he is giving back.  I discovered giving this way reaped many blessings for me.  My husband loved me more and more and honored me always.  We learned how to tell the other person if we were hurting so we could receive the needed comfort.  It happened if we had to confess we messed up or if we had to tell the other their words hurt.  We discovered often the other person did not even realize their words hurt.  Tom and I were lovers not fighters so over the years we always worked on ways not to argue.

Now you may wonder do I miss that sweet relationship?  More than I ever imagined.  I thought I could be strong and stand alone...... Wow is it hard but God has indeed been there for me.  I cry often still which I know is healthy, but I also know I must move on with my life everyday.  I have such wonderful things to do often, so that is not the problem.  My children and grandchildren are ALWAYS there for me.  My church family embraces me too, so that I can never say no one cares!  It would be pitiful for me to face life thinking no one loved me!  Just not true!  Just yesterday my two married grandchildren shared their Valentine dinner with their grandmother taking me to Ruth's Chris for a yummy steak dinner when I know they are both on tight budgets.  If you haven't heard of this restaurant all I can say is your missing something very special.  This week I also was able to enjoy the World Ag Show in Tulare which is world renown.  I love to go since it is filled with interesting things relating to farming (which happens to be our family life work) and they have a women's area that has all sorts of tempting items to buy and see.  We were also able to attend a prayer breakfast that inspired our faith.  The speaker was amazing since he was 91and sharp as anyone after years of being thrown around by animals (bulls & cattle) as a clown in rodeos.  He reminded us we are visitors on earth for the time God calls us to be here.  He had so many encouraging reminders that we have heaven waiting and work to do now!  He pointed out the Bible says nothing about retirement, but says if you are able but don't work you don't eat!  Wow and he's 91!  I was able to do all this since my children saw to it I had tickets for everything!  Therefore the day was not only a blast and inspiring but it was free except for what I bought in the women's area!  So you can see I cannot complain since this is just a little of how others show me love.  God is good all the time!

In spite of these wonderful people in my life I do miss my marriage and husband.  The other day I was thinking about why people need to be loved and seek happy marriage.  It started at the beginning I realized.  Genesis (the first book of the Bible) 2:18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him."
Genesis 2:24  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Also many places throughout the Bible we see God comparing his people to a wife and He is the husband.  God has given us marriage since He has created us in His image.  He is a triune God - there is three parts - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - yet they are one.  When we marry we are two very individual people who become one.  Through marriage we see the tip of the iceberg of God's love for us.  We understand how much it hurts when a husband or wife if unfaithful to one another.  So too is God hurt if we turn away from Him and don't believe He exists or turn to false religions.  The final comparison in the Bible is when Jesus comes again - The Father sends His Son to collect His bride the church.  Oh what a joyous day a wedding is!  We all get that don't we?  I'm a romantic and I think this is the best of all - to be called the bride of Christ!  I hope you do to and that you expect to be ready for your bridegroom.  Remember a bride would never be caught on her wedding day without her wedding dress!  Be ready! Matthew 25:13  "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or hour."
I hope you accept Jesus as your Savior and be ready for heaven!