Monday, August 26, 2019

A Sinking Ship

Wow, I have no good excuse, really, for waiting so long to blog!  I know there are some out there in cyber space who enjoy keeping up with John and my life and our journey through cancer.  It has been since last November/December that updates to this blog happened.  Life is such a journey of uncertainty for anyone as our pastor told us a few weeks ago:  "From the day we are born we are like ships with an irreparable hole in it.  We begin sinking even though some days may seem sunny and beautiful without a care in the world - still we are all sinking.  Death is the hole and no one can run from it."  This sounds so depressing but my husband John and I left with very light hearts and filled with assurance the day we heard this sermon.

First our pastor took us through the thought of how "WEIRD" we are compared to the third world countries.  America and Europe are western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic for the most part.  We have more than we know what to do with, and yet we are often never satisfied and want more.  One statistic, our pastor found, that I thought was humorous and yet not, was that there are five times more storage units than Starbucks, and shopping malls outnumber high schools!!!! Yikes, both these facts are sad.  Yet we all can be guilty of wanting more, whether wanting more stuff, or food, or trips, or entertainment.

The pastor used Ecclesiastes 2 to show how the writer, who is Solomon or someone like him, shows how even when you get all your heart desires, still life is meaningless.  The writer realizes nothing can bring true happiness in this life.  So what is there then?

John and I have come to that place of asking - what is really important and how are we going to live with what we have been given?  John has had a very up and down year dealing with cancer - lung cancer, stage 4.  He has responded to most of the treatment given quite well, in spite of the fact many days are downright awful.  We were able to do many things these past months, even travel for entertainment and to visit family.  We were also able to take a family trip with kids and grandkids, such a blessing.  John now continues on a chemo pill that has less side effects than the first one.  He has survived a bout with pneumonia and right now dealing with an extra infection in his body.  We live day by day thanking God for each new day.  We try to stay as active as John's body allows him to be.  He has been able to bike ride with me many times the past few months, some days he can go 10 miles and other days just 3.  We are thankful for any kind of exercise or movement he is up to.  Some days it's a couch day.  The thing we enjoy the most is how we can be used by God to bring blessings to others.  Whether it is with a visit or doing a bible study with others or just being kind and loving to family and friends.  Some days we are strong and sure and other days we are very sad and worry and cry together.  We know we have to hold on to our faith and assurance in Jesus to make it through.

Our pastor ended with what our hope is in our sinking ships.  (John and I have experienced sinking ships with losing our spouses in death and now again dealing with an incurable disease!)  We walked out of that sermon with glad hearts because of what Colossians 3:1-4 says:  "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

The promise is we are rich in Christ and because of this we can live life to the full - no matter that we are in sinking ships!  We have so much hope since we are expected in heaven!!  We hope you do too!  Thanks to all who pray for us as we travel this journey - we believe in prayer, it gives us the strength to remember what is really important in life!  Not the stuff, but the relationship with God and with others!


  1. Excellent words Vera! God has taken you to the really deep aspects of life and you've come out trusting in Him!!! Love that!

  2. Praying continuously for strength and courage.

  3. Our love and prayers are always with you as the four of us share our journey to our Dear Lord and Savior.

  4. Thank you Vera and John. You make it so much easier to stay on that right path each and every day. If you two can do it, I certainly can. No excuses! Thank you always for your inspiration. God has given you a mission and you are fullfilling it. Much love, and many prayers.
